Facing Your Fears Meditations
Welcome to the Facing Your Fears meditations, developed to turn fear into courage at a challenging time on our planet. Fear is learned so let us unlearn our fears and find the strength and determination to follow our dreams and find success and happiness in all aspects of our lives.
Meditation provides us access to our inner most being, our spirit , our souls. Knowing yourself more completely makes decision making and goal setting so much easier and more comfortable.
In our busy world, let's carve out peaceful, contemplative time that is all our own. Welcome to this journey of discovering you and the universe inside and outside of your being.
31 episodes
Healing Ourselves
It is important to realize and take time to appreciate and allow our bodies to heal. The mechanisms to heal ourselves are within if we pause to allow the process to unfold.

This Journey Called Life
Meditation on this journey called life and how we can flow with life and all that this journey contains!

Learn the Joy
This is a meditation helping us to learn the joy, the adaptability, the care of all that have gone before us and the gifts that nature brings into our lives!

life review and self reflection
This is a meditation about a life review and self reflection. It is important to look at how far we have come and how we have grown in awareness and acceptance. Each challenge and experience adds to our lives!

Creating a better life and world for ourselves...
Creating a better life and world for ourselves using well known healing properties that we can use on a daily basis!!

Understand and connect to our little children within
It is a meditation to understand and connect to our little children within so that we can feel complete and whole. It also helps that little child within find reassurance!

This is a meditation on prosperity, good luck and harmony so that we can create these positive aspects in our lives!!

Meditation on Balance
Here is a meditation on balance. With this journey where each of us has the opportunity to see and feel this ride called life as something full of easier times and also seeing the challenges as positive times to know our strengths.

healing the body the heart and the soul
This is a meditation for healing the body, the heart, and the soul. With this healing we don’t have to carry unwanted grudges, memories or judgments!

Following Our Dreams.
In this meditation we can start eliminating our limitations created by our beliefs and instead visualize what we want to invite into our lives

Entitled developing a deeper connection...
Entitled developing a deeper connection to all living beings and things on our planet.

Raising Our Vibrational Level
We are just energy and the energy we emit from our bodies, our minds, our hearts and souls can either be uplifting or it can bring us down. In this meditation we get to experience how to feel our energy raise to a higher frequency.

Getting in Touch...
Getting in touch with our bodies, our hearts, our minds and our souls so that we can be in sync with all the goodness and creativity within us.

This is a meditation taking us on a journey through life’s tunnels into the light.
It helps us to see that tunnels can be short cuts or a different pathway In the experience of our lives. They are temporary avenues that take us back to sunlight

Remaining in the Flow of Life.
Allowing life to be a journey instead of resistance can help all of us feel the balance of nature that can be found within each of us. Learning to flow with life results in more joy and more acceptance.

Journey Toward Peace
This meditation is a journey toward peace in a time of uncertainty or even chaos.It is important to take breaks from the stresses of life in order to create a calm and present feeling as you face your day or evening. This is a journey in...

The Magic Around Us
As children we had this beautiful ability to see and believe in the power of magic. Then life started to bring in limitations and ceilings to our creativity and strength in our beliefs about ourselves and the world. Please join us in this medit...

Title: Grounding deeply to allow ourselves to expand
In order to be fully present and mindful we need to develop the feeling of being grounded to the earth. This prevents us from being scattered and distracted by the worries and fears around us. The energy from the earth connects us to natu...

Above the Stress and Creating Peace
With the stress of todays life, we are creating a safe place to reside above the challenges of today. With distance and perspective we can find a place to be the observer and discover how to find fun and relaxation.

Connecting with the sand, the ocean and the sun
Connecting with the sand, the ocean and the sun; to feel the depth of what surrounds us and to be aware of the support we receive daily from the earth's history

Crossing the River
Here is a meditation of crossing the river toward our dreams and goals. The secret is that it is all one step at a time -knowing we have and had support around us always.

Tree Meditation
Grounding to the energy of the earth is an important aspect of our existence. Imagine the incredible ability of a tree as it grounds to the earth with roots that support the tree's stability and also provides nutrients to grow. In additio...